Home Notícias Triangle Of Sadness Ending Explained (In Detail)

Triangle Of Sadness Ending Explained (In Detail)



  • The
    Triangle of Sadness
    ending features chaos, including a sinking yacht, survivors on a deserted island, and a mysterious illness caused by spoiled food and turbulence during a storm.
  • The power dynamics on the island change, with the former housekeeper Abigail taking control and establishing herself as the new leader, causing rifts among the survivors.
  • The true meaning of the
    Triangle of Sadness
    ending explores themes of privilege and the super-rich, as well as the role reversal and shifting dynamics that occur on the island, particularly with the supermodel couple Carl and Yaya.

The Triangle of Sadness ending brings the themes and chaos of the movie together with a shocking revelation. The movie is told in three chapters, with the first following couple Carl (Harris Dickinson) and Yaya (Charlbi Dean), both professional models (though Yaya is the more successful). The second chapter of Triangle of Sadness takes place aboard an upscale yacht. Carl and Yaya are present alongside passengers like Russian oligarch Dimitry (Zlatko Burić) and wife Vera (Sunnyi Melles), elderly weapons manufacturers Clementine (Amanda Walker) and Winston (Oliver Ford Davies), stroke survivor Therese (Iris Berben), and lonely tech millionaire Jarmo (Henrik Dorsin).

Also on the yacht are staff tasked with ensuring the guests have a perfect getaway — whatever the cost. The Yacht’s crew includes the head of staff Paula (Vicki Berlin), first mate Darius (Arvin Kananian), housekeeper Abigail (Dolly de Leon), and the drunken Captain Thomas Smith (Woody Harrelson). When the passengers gather for the captain’s dinner, events spiral into chaos. Triangle of Sadness is a complex movie with an ambiguous ending, a deliberate decision by filmmaker Ruben Östlund. Once all the puzzle pieces are assembled, however, it’s clear that there’s a message behind the Triangle of Sadness ending.


Triangle of Sadness Cast & Character Guide

Triangle of Sadness, starring Harris Dickinson, is a comedy about a group of wealthy passengers on board a cruise with shocking surprises.

How The Yacht Passengers Get Sick In Triangle Of Sadness

Bad Food And Ocean Turbulence Result In Mass Sickness

The combination of spoiled food and turbulence during the storm results in the majority of the passengers getting seasick, resulting in much vomiting and diarrhea all over the yacht.

The mysterious illness is a pivotal plot point in Triangle Of Sadness, but their sickness isn’t due to a disease. Throughout the cruise, Captain Thomas Smith is locked away in his cabin in a drunken stupor. This leaves much of the day-to-day operations to first mate Darius and head of staff Paula. However, the Captain is obligated to make an appearance for dinner one night, and Smith chooses a night during which a horrible storm is forecast.

On the day of the Captain’s Dinner, passenger Vera insists that all the staff stop what they are doing and join in on waterslide activities. This includes the kitchen staff, despite concerns that the food will spoil if not cooked immediately. The combination of spoiled food and turbulence during the storm results in the majority of the passengers getting seasick, resulting in much vomiting and diarrhea all over the yacht. Ironically, Captain Smith avoids getting seasick because he special orders a hamburger for himself.

Why The Yacht Sinks

A Drunken Argument Is Heard By Pirates On The Ship’s Radio

The commotion attracts the attention of pirates, who approach the yacht and toss a grenade on board.

In the aftermath of the captain’s dinner in Triangle of Sadness, chaos breaks out aboard the yacht. Passengers are vomiting everywhere, and the toilets overflow, causing sewage to run through the formerly pristine halls. During this time, Captain Smith, an American communist, begins having a drunken debate with Dimitry, a Russian capitalist.

The drunken banter between Smith and Dimitry eventually moves to the Captain’s cabin, which is broadcast over the P.A. system. The commotion attracts the attention of pirates, who approach the yacht and toss a grenade on board. Elderly passenger Clementine picks up the grenade and tells her husband, Wilson, how it looks like one they developed. Seconds later, the grenade explodes, killing the couple and causing the yacht to sink, and the Triangle of Sadness ending is set up.

It is presumed that most crew and passengers in Triangle of Sadness, including Captain Smith, perished when the yacht sank in the pirate attack. Only seven survivors end up washing on the beach, which includes Carl, Yaya, Dimitry, Therese, Paula, Jarmo, and a never-before-seen man named Nelson (Jean-Christophe Folly), claiming to be the ship’s mechanic. Sometime later, the yacht’s housekeeper Abigail arrives at the island in the yacht’s supply-filled lifeboat, which plays a significant role in the new power dynamic before the conclusion.


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How Does The Power Dynamic Change On The Island

Abigail’s Survival Skills Allow Her To Take Control

Abigail refuses to give more than a couple of pieces of food to the other survivors unless she is acknowledged as the Captain.

Used to having things provided for them, as Triangle of Sadness satirizes the rich, the passengers don’t have the skills to survive on the island. This allows Abigail, the former housekeeper, to take control and establish herself as the new leader, even ahead of her boss, Paula. After capturing and cooking an octopus, Abigail refuses to give more than a couple of pieces of food to the other survivors unless she is acknowledged as the Captain.

As most survivors are forced to sleep outside, Abigail sleeps inside the lifeboat. She eventually coerces Carl to join her inside the lifeboat, exchanging sexual favors for food and supplies. This ends up causing a rift in Carl’s relationship with Yaya.

Why Carl Is Running At The End Of Triangle of Sadness

Carl May Be Trying To Save Yaya, But There Might Be More Thematic Depth To The Scene

The most straightforward interpretation of this shot is that Carl desperately tries to reunite with Yaya

The final shot of the ending of Triangle of Sadness sees Carl frantically running through the jungle. The most straightforward interpretation of this shot is that Carl desperately tries to reunite with Yaya, whom he has grown apart from during his affair with Abigail. Happening immediately after the shot of Abigail preparing to kill Yaya with a rock, the audience is left wondering if Carl will make it to her in time.

When talking about this moment, Ruben Östlund says that he believes Carl already came across the beach vendor and feared something might happen to Yaya when Abigail discovers the resort, explaining why he is frantically running. However, Östlund was also given another interesting interpretation by audiences of the film, explaining:

An audience member told me, ‘No, Carl is running so hard to get his male identity back. He’s struggling with the gender expectations, and the last shot is a metaphor for his lost male identity, which has been totally lost.’ And I love that interpretation too
” (via




What Does Triangle Of Sadness Mean? The Movie’s Title Explained

The title of Ruben Östlund’s Oscar-nominated Triangle of Sadness can be read in two different ways, but both meanings are reflected in the movie.

Did Abigail Kill Yaya?

It’s Unclear Whether Abigail Murdered The Wealthy Model

Abigail, not wanting to lose the power she has gained, picks up a rock and prepares to hit Yaya with it

It is hinted that the island in Triangle of Sadness isn’t necessarily deserted when Therese encounters a beach vendor. However, she cannot communicate this because she is a stroke survivor who can only speak a single German sentence. Around the same time, Yaya decides to hike to the other side of the island, and she is joined by Abigail, despite Carl’s concerns.

In the Triangle of Sadness ending, during their hike, Yaya and Abigail find an elevator, signifying that the island they are on is a luxury resort. Yaya is relieved about returning to her old life and even offers to make Abigail her assistant. However, Abigail, not wanting to lose the power she has gained, picks up a rock and prepares to hit Yaya with it. The final fate of Yaya remains ambiguous.

Is Abigail Really The Villain Of Triangle Of Sadness?

It’s Difficult To View Abigail As An Antagonist Despite Her Actions

Abigail’s motives make her actions much more sympathetic, to the point that it’s incredibly difficult to view her as a true villain

One of the most ambiguous elements of the ending of Triangle of Sadness is the mixed emotions it leaves viewers with — especially when it comes to Dolly De Leon’s Abigail. On the surface, Abigail is the antagonist of Triangle of Sadness. It’s her manipulation that causes many of the distressing events to unfold once she and the passengers are marooned on the island, after all. However, this is a complex movie, and Abigail’s motives make her actions much more sympathetic, so it’s incredibly difficult to view her as a true villain despite what she does.

Ultimately, Triangle of Sadness is a movie about reversed power dynamics. Abigail may hold power on the island, and she may use that power to create some incredibly twisted situations (possibly even killing Yaya), but there’s something incredibly human about this response. While Abigail’s abuse of authority may be to the extreme, it’s clear that she’s suffered silently serving people like Carl and Yaya for years.

Abigail’s actions aren’t justifiable, but they are very understandable when put into the context of the rest of her life

The overwhelming majority of audience members will be able to empathize much more with Abigail and her backstory than Yaya or Carl. Even Yaya’s offer to hire Abigail as an assistant, rather than the finance to become her own person (or even no offer at all), is indicative of how out-of-touch they are with the struggles and experiences of Abigail and those like her.

Triangle of Sadness isn’t some kind of power fantasy for disgruntled employees to imagine turning the tables on their boss, but there are definitely thematic elements of this in the plot. Painting Abigail as the villain is difficult because, when it boils down to it, her lived experience is far more relatable than that of her victims — especially since it was they who caused the Yacht to crash in the first place.

Abigail’s actions aren’t justifiable, but they are very understandable when put into the context of the rest of her life, and it’s this that makes her so sympathetic and, ultimately, impossible to class as an outright villain despite her actions.


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The True Meaning Of Triangle Of Sadness’ Ending

The Movie Is Ultimately About Power Dynamics And Gender Roles

Triangle of Sadness
ending keeps it ambiguous whether Carl and Yaya reconcile, or become victims of the new power dynamic created by Abigail

The film’s finale is ambiguous, but that doesn’t mean it’s without depth. One of the critical themes of the Triangle of Sadness ending is the privilege of the super-rich and what happens when that is taken away. At the start of the cruise, Paula tells her team to always say yes to the passengers.

This rule led to the yacht sinking since the kitchen staff were forced to participate in swimming instead of preparing dinner, leading to a 20-minute sequence of pure chaos. When the yacht sinks and the survivors are stranded on an island, former servant Abigail takes the opportunity to swap power dynamics and take charge.

While Triangle of Sadness has an ensemble cast, the central focus for much of the movie is the supermodel couple of Carl and Yaya. The couple already had problems, but they boil over on the island when gender roles are swapped, and Carl is made to exchange sexual favors with Abigail. The ending keeps it ambiguous whether Carl and Yaya reconcile, or become victims of the new power dynamic created by Abigail.

How Filmmaker Ruben Östlund Explains The Triangle Of Sadness Ending

The Writer And Director Enjoys The Audience’s Takes On The Meaning Of His Movie

Östlund seemingly regrets how far he went with the most memorable and talked-about scene of
Triangle of Sadness

Östlund thinks that whether Abigail kills Yaya or not in the Triangle of Sadness ending doesn’t matter and that what happens after the cliffhanger isn’t important, though the playful filmmaker still has fun asking audience members what they think happens. Östlund revealed that most audiences believe Abigail kills Yaya (via The Wrap). However, the director noted:

People ask me what happens in the last scene, but I have not decided… In fact, I’m not so interested in the answer in my own mind. It is the possibility of her doing it – and how we can all relate to that – which is what I’m interested in.

More interestingly, Östlund seemingly regrets how far he went with the most memorable and talked-about scene of Triangle of Sadness. In the middle of the movie during the captain’s dinner, a 20-minute diarrhea and vomit-filled sequence has audiences covering their faces. The sequence is so over the top and ridiculous in the most entertaining way possible, but Östlund thinks that might have been a mistake. The director revealed:

When we had the first screening of the film, I realized, ‘Oh s***, maybe I overdid it.’ Maybe it was too much in the end. I apologized to the audience. But it was too late to recut the film
” (via

LA Times


How The Triangle Of Sadness Ending Was Received

Reviews Were Mostly Positive, But With Caveats

Triangle of Sadness received mostly positive reviews from critics, and the audience loved the movie even more. Critics offered up mostly positive reviews, with a 72% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, while fans offered the film a higher 80% fresh score. There were some audience members, though, who didn’t understand the ending and wanted to see exactly what happened, with one audience member writing, “There is no ending. Did they run out of budget?” However, another fan disagreed:

“I absolutely loved this movie. I’ve watched it twice now. At first I was disappointed at the end but then I thought about it and it made it even more brilliant.”

Interestingly, most film critics didn’t talk much about the ending. The biggest praise went to the middle section, with the haves and haves not on the boat interacting, as it all spiraled into disaster. Entertainment Weekly film critic Leah Greenblatt wrote, “Triangle hits more marks than it misses, and in a somber, often underwhelming season of would-be arthouse hits, the movie is a bona-fide trip: not the funhouse mirror we need for these ridiculous times, maybe, but one we deserve.

However, in his mostly negative review on IndieWire, critic David Ehrlich wrote that the third act was the “film’s shrewdest yet most underwhelming chapter.” He went on to write, “Some forms of beauty grow more valuable while others become a liability, yet the pecking order and power dynamics of the old world order remain the same even if the individual people have swapped places in that system.” In the Triangle of Sadness ending, nothing changes except who is on the controlling end of the power dynamic.

Triangle of Sadness Movie Poster

Triangle of Sadness

Triangle of Sadness is a film that takes a satirical approach to influencer and wealth culture, a black comedy film by Ruben Östlund. The film is seen primarily through the eyes of Carl and Yaya, two fashion models in a relationship who accept an invitation to partake in a trip on a superyacht filled with incredibly wealthy guests from different nationalities. Unfortunately, chaos ensues when a spoiled dinner makes several guests sick, and a storm suddenly overtakes the yacht, tossing everyone and the ship around. When the ship capsized the following day, a small group of survivors, including Carl and Yaya, made it to a deserted island, where a lack of critical life skills highlights the problems with living with unlimited privilege as they try to survive their new harsh conditions. 

Ruben Östlund

Release Date
October 7, 2022

Harris Dickinson , Charlbi Dean , Dolly de Leon , Zlatko Buric , Henrik Dorsin , Vicki Berlin , Woody Harrelson

150 minutes

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